
Donate your Rewards

To NSPCC children's charity

Donate your Rewards to NSPCC

Donate to NSPCC

NSPCC are the leading children's charity fighting to end child abuse in the UK and Channel Islands.

Childhood shapes who we become, abuse never should. We help children who’ve been abused to rebuild their lives, we protect children at risk, and we find the best ways of preventing child abuse from ever happening. We run ground-breaking services helping vulnerable children, we operate national services such as our helplines, including the ChildLine service, to help all adults and children, and we run training and other services to help children and families in communities. To find out more visit www.nspcc.org.uk
Registered charity England and Wales 216401.

Information Message

Accessing MyRewards is easy

  1. On your mobile or tablet, open the camera and point your device at the QR code.
  2. A link will pop up, tap this, and you’ll be taken straight to MyRewards in your Royal Bank mobile banking app. 
  3. If the QR code is not working for you, use this MyRewards link to get into your app.
  4. Or you can log in using Digital Banking and use the MyReward section to access MyRewards. 


QR code not working? 

You can download the app and get into MyRewards by following these instructions:

  1. On your mobile or tablet, go to the App Store if using Apple or Google Play if using Android.
  2. Search for 'Royal Bank Mobile Banking'.
  3. Tap to download the app.

Accessing MyRewards is easy

  1. On your mobile or tablet, open the camera and point your device at the QR code.
  2. A link will pop up, tap this, and you’ll be taken straight to MyRewards in your Royal Bank mobile banking app. 
  3. If the QR code is not working for you, use this MyRewards link to get into your app.
  4. Or you can log in using Digital Banking and use the MyReward section to access MyRewards.

QR code not working? 

You can still download the app and get into MyRewards by following these instructions:

  1. On your mobile or tablet, go to the Google Play store.
  2. Search for 'Royal Bank Mobile Banking'.
  3. Tap to download the app.

Accessing MyRewards is easy

  1. On your mobile or tablet, open the camera and point your device at the QR code.
  2. A link will pop up, tap this, and you’ll be taken straight to MyRewards in your Royal Bank mobile banking app. 
  3. If the QR code is not working for you, use this MyRewards link to get into your app.
  4. Or you can log in using Digital Banking and use the MyReward section to access MyRewards.

QR code not working? 

You can still download the app and get into MyRewards by following these instructions:

  1. On your mobile or tablet, go to the App Store.
  2. Search for 'Royal Bank Mobile Banking'.
  3. Tap to download the app.