
When can I cancel a direct debit?

When can I cancel a direct debit?

Payment due to leave in 3 or more working days

If you cancel a direct debit on a Monday which is due out on the following Friday the direct debit will be cancelled and will not show as leaving your account.

Payment due to leave in less than 3 working days

If you cancel a direct debit on a Tuesday which is due out on the following Thursday the amount of the direct debit will show as leaving your account on Thursday, but will reappear in the account on Friday morning

Payment due to leave in less than 3 working days and at the weekend

If you cancel a direct debit on a Friday which is due out on Saturday the amount of the direct debit will show as having left your account. Your account balance will be adjusted on Tuesday morning, or Wednesday if Monday is a bank holiday.

How do I cancel a direct debit?

How can I re-instate a direct debit?